Sunday, March 26, 2017


    It has now become clear at some length that the NSA, CIA, and FBI do not report to the President of the United States.  They are a law unto themselves, withholding information from the Chief Executive whenever it suits their political agendas.   They have used their positions in a variety of felonious acts of sedition and treason.
    How can the President deal with this threat to democratic representative and constitutional government?   The procedure is very simple.  The President should withdraw his proposed budget, add fifty percent cuts to the budgets of national intelligence agencies, and then resubmit his budget.   He might also send along a message to the RINO’s and Dims that he will not sign a budget that does not incorporate these new cuts.

    The intelligence agencies have richly earned the contempt of every American and an eventual complete elimination of these agencies of organized crime is inevitable.  The National Intelligence Syndicate must have its teeth pulled.  It is high time for them to be served the crap sandwich.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


    Trump said in his speech to the joint session of Congress that he would not represent the world, but that his job was to represent the people of the United States.   Those were fighting words and almost immediately the deep state began considering a way forward.  Under consideration are perpetrator recruitment issues.   Who can be recruited to do this  deed?

Currently under consideration is the Hinkley type scam.  The idea is to recruit a loner who can be promised lifetime sex with his favorite actress.   In Hollywood there is no shortage of women who would be willing participants.  The loser in this scenario may be promised that it is unlikely that he would be caught, but that if he were caught he would be vigorously defended.  Upon a verdict of not guilty be reason of insanity he would be assigned to a half way house with weekends off and three weeks of vacation every year.

The major advantage of this plot will be widespread support in the deep state.  CIA, NSA, FBI, Secret Service, Treasury and State will supply support throughout the operation. The major disadvantage of this plan is that Trump may discover the plot and take measures to provide for his own security.

    Another potential way forward is to have former Obama administration Attorneys General continually call for violence in the streets and hope that some loner will step forward and do the deed independently.

Saturday, February 18, 2017


    The illegal release of enormous quantities of classified information gathered by US intelligence agencies in early days of the Trump administration has been astonishing to many Americans.  But to this commentator it comes as no particular surprise.   The Obama administration was generally characterized by fascist behavior in many respects.   It routinely attacked the press and all those it perceived as political enemies.   The many departments and agencies of the federal government were stacked with political operatives who shared the Obama contempt for the modern nation state generally and the United States in particular.

    In the midst of what became a virtual intelligence coup d’etat many who have warned of intelligence gathering dangers have been vindicated.  Rand Paul is among those heroes of the Republic who stood almost alone.  Johnny McCain, the elderly RINO from Arizona, was a severe critic of the few who stood alongside Paul.  But, in 2017 Johnny McCain can be forgiven for the disarray in his own mind.

Friday, February 10, 2017



    MECCA is the Muslim Expulsion Coordinating Committees Association.  It is an Advocacy Association with committees in all fifty states of the United States.


    The Association advocates the expulsion of all Muslims from the United States and from all other western countries.

Educational mission: 

    The Association educates the public through its committees on the nature of Islamic Supremacist ideology and its incompatibility with the values of western civilization.  Western societies generally adhere to values which suggest that none are endowed with a right to dominion and none are endowed with an obligation of servitude.

     Islamic theology explicitly denies these values and asserts an endowed right to dominion.  This belief is apparent in the split between Sunni and Shiite Islam.  Each side in the conflict asserts that it has an endowed right of dominion and the other has an endowed obligation of servitude.  Each side believes that it has a moral obligation to impose dominion and require submission of the other.  Each side believes that it has the moral obligation to kill all who refuse to accept an endowed obligation of servitude.

    Further,  this belief system denies the fundamental principle stated in the Declaration of Independence: “we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal....”  The expulsion of all Muslims from the United States is necessary to achieve one of the principle goals stated in the Preamble of the Constitution:   “to ensure domestic tranquility....”  The true Muslim has a moral obligation in his own view to kill all Americans who refuse to submit.


    The committees of the Association engage in contacting members of Congress, calling radio talk shows, writing letters to editors of newspapers,  providing speakers to public interest groups, and advocating that all Americans interested in defending themselves acquire suitable firearms, training, and concealed carry permits.

Speakers for public interest groups may be arranged by commenting on this post.