Thursday, November 15, 2018


            Democrats are progressives.  They believe in the perfectibility of man.  They believe that man perfects himself in the historical process through conflict and punishment.  They repudiate the value of the individual.  They see human value only in groups.  They are dismissive of individual character.
They repudiate the notion of due process and the presumption of innocence of the accused.  They stand against every major advance of the enlightenment.  They believe the fundamental existential truth of the universe is the punishment of man into submission.   They hate me as an individual. I know this because they have said so. They hate me because I am old, white, Christian, and male.   They hate me because I stand for the well established notion of the modern nation state which was created in the wake of the 1648 treaty of Westphalia.  They hate me because I actually have read history.   They hate me because I reject rationalism.   They hate me because I embrace empiricism.  They hate me because I believe that authority should be observed not alleged.   They hate me because I believe that none of mankind are endowed with a right to dominion, and none are endowed with an obligation of servitude.  They hate me because I can identify their fundamental political view which is neofacism.  They hate me because I have identified their obsessive desire for political power as a social-sexual personality disorder related to sadomasochism.   They are the true jack booted, high stepping brown shirts of our day.   Should they ever come to complete power, I will be among the first they will hang from a meat hook and beat with a rubber hose.