A new organization called The New American Freedom Militia has formed now in several states. This group is now widely dispersed through several states and is engaged in building their force in preparation for the day when they will be called upon to seize power from the globalist fascists and reestablish constitutional government.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
The New American Freedom Militia
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Declaration of Religious Exemption
Declaration of Religious Exemption
I believe:
That the universe as it exists bears moral content and that the moral content of the universe includes the following,
1. That all persons are created equal and that none of humanity are endowed with a right to dominion over the lives of others and that none of humanity are endowed with an obligation of servitude,
2. That all persons have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,
3. And that the first moral requirement which the universe places on all persons is the obligation of self-preservation,
4. And that I am therefore under no obligation to accept an inoculation which I believe is ineffective and unsafe and which will potentially cause irreparable harm or death to my person.
These are my earnestly held religious beliefs.
_______________________ _______________________
Michael L. Barry M.Div.
Friday, October 1, 2021
The Former Republic of the United States
The information from the fraudulent election of 2020 is now insurmountable and undeniable. The lawsuits are beginning to multiply and there does not appear to be any way that they will all be swept aside by the corrupt judiciary. The dangerous truth which is now emerging is that hell has no fury like a fascist exposed. The FBI is now being sent out to intimidate and harass any one who has the temerity to speak or publish the information exposing their corruption.
The financing of the virus at the Chinese bio-weapons lab in Wuhan is now fully out in the open. The operative plan is a world wide genocide facilitated by a 'vaccine' which will kill and/or maim millions of persons worldwide. In the wake of this universal genocide it may reasonably be inferred that an aggressive eugenics campaign will follow. Those in on this shameful agenda include the oligarchs and titans of Big Tech. Everyone who has obstructed the investigation or supported the silencing of others who are reporting the facts are guilty of complicity in the crime and abetting the crime after the fact.
The state governments which allowed changes in election law apart from the consent of their legislatures have been dissolved and new legislatures have taken their place. Those states no longer have a republican form of government.
The Supreme Court in its refusal to hear the Texas case violated Articles 2, 4, and 5 of the Constitution and threw out the Equal Protection clause, the Due Process clause, and the Right to Petition clause of the First Amendment. The Republic is over. The Supreme Court effectively announced its intention to no longer be a court and instead to become an American Politburo. Americans are now beginning to form armed militias and preparing to resist the fascists with deadly force.
Whenever usurpation takes place in a Republic what ensues is a state of nature in which every man does what is right in his own eyes. Every man will so decide.
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Climate Catastrophism
There are popular among the ignorant left several myths pertaining to climate. The first myth of climate catastrophism is that the earth is fragile. This myth is so preposterous it is not hardly worth discussing, but the fact is the earth has been here for 4.5 billion years and will be here for at least additional billions of years. A second popular myth is that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the primary determinate of climate on earth. A third myth is actually religious in character and it is that an existential crisis is upon mankind and that we will all likely die in the next ten or twelve years unless the United States which is solely responsible for this catastrophe spends trillions of dollars reducing the liberation of carbon. Still another myth was perpetrated by the corrupt and ignorant Supreme Court which some time ago ruled that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a pollutant. Now in order to lift this heavy veil of ignorance we need to review a few actual facts.
The seminal work in climate was done by a Serbian scientist by the name of Milankovic. What Milankovic showed over the course of his career in the first half of the twentieth century is that climate on earth is determined by huge natural forces including solar output, celestial mechanics, and the interrelation of these with geophysical forces. His work has been refined by recent scientific advances and discoveries but never been disproved. Today we could generally say that climate is determined by solar output, celestial mechanics, the biomass of the planet and plate tectonics.
Over the lengthy geologic history of the earth carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been much higher and lower than it is today. Over this period the average temperature on earth has been much higher and much lower than it is today. At times the earth has had tropical or subtropical conditions nearly to the poles. At other times the earth has been glaciated all the way to the equator. Ocean levels over geologic time have been hundreds of feet higher than today and at other times hundreds of feet lower.
Now what is an existential crisis? An existential crisis is one which endangers all life on earth. There are things which could happen and which would constitute an 'existential crisis'. For instance, if there were to be an imminent impact event of a Mars size body this would be an existential crisis. Or, if the earth were to suddenly lose its magnetic field this would constitute an existential crisis because the surface would be irradiated and the atmosphere would be blown off the planet. These events are possible but highly unlikely and so the earth is in no danger at the moment of any existential crisis.
In recent geologic times the earth has been passing through cycles of glaciation and de-glaciation. On average the planet has been warming since the end of the last ice age some ten or twelve thousand years ago. The cycles of celestial mechanics would seem to indicate that the next secular change in climate on earth will be a new period of glaciation which could begin at any time in the next ten or twenty thousand years.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Overcoming Scum Baggism in Politics and Social Media
Even the casual observer of the modern United States is offended by the level of incompetence and corruption in government and social media. Powerful positions attract those who relish directing others to do all sorts of things which they would not freely choose. The ideology of the left in particular appears to be a socio-sexual personality disorder related to the Sadism and Masochism movement. Foremost among their priorities is the punishment of anyone who disagrees with their bizarre ideology. There is in our common human experience something quite recent which may give some insight on the direction of the country. Pol Pot killed millions of Cambodians in his quest to stamp out any and all genuine intellectual achievement. This extended to killing those who were suspected of having read a book or two. A fundamental cornerstone of progressive ideology is demonstrably a view of the moral superiority of ignorance.
Many of the same character flaws appear among the moguls of Big Tech and social media. Having achieved some success in a narrow field leads many of those to pontificate on all sorts of issues about which they have no basic knowledge. Going forward, those who wish to avoid being imprisoned or tortured to death would do well to not openly identify and criticize the abrogation of fundamental human rights which is now upon us. If the four years of Trump demonstrated anything at all, it was that no American is safe from the reach of the fascist deep state. Further, the fig leaf has fallen away from the corrupt court system and revealed the Supreme Court as nothing more than an American Politburo.
Can Americans overcome this far reaching scum baggism in politics and the social media? My answer is no.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Black Conservative Patriot
On this day February 18, 2021 I went to the internet to get information from my favorite online source called Black Conservative Patriot. Much to my dismay I discovered that the racists and fascists at Utube had censored him for speaking the truth to power. Ironically on this day there is also broad discussion of 'reparations' for the legacy of slavery. It is doubtful that Utube will pay any reparations to their victims today. The censorship of such an individual is nothing more than the modern equivalent of the traditional horse whipping and lynching.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Biden Resumes the March to War in Syria
Very early in his fraudulency the Usurper Joe Biden has resumed the march to war by invading Syria. Apparently there are insufficient ads on cable television in which a veteran recounts the loss of both legs and one arm in the Middle East, but then goes on to praise the Wounded Warriors group for providing him with a mortgage free home. The carnage and blood will all be laid to the account of the senile Biden.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Massive Voter Fraud Precipitates Huge Decline in Registered Voters and Participation
There are many historical examples of what happens when Republics fail due to election fraud. Voters stop voting. Those who do not approve of the authoritarian usurpers don't vote because they cannot win. At the same time whose who do approve of the authoritarian usurpers don't vote because they cannot lose. Authoritarian governments respond almost always in the same way. Persons failing to vote are held liable to criminal and civil penalties. Fascists persecute those who fail to submit but reserve the harshest penalties for those who fail to approve of their bizarre ideology.
Saturday, January 2, 2021
Big Tech, Social Media, and China
What could big tech, social media and China possibly have in common? China is demonstrably a supremacist society and has been for millennia. Today they have a number of demographic problems which largely are of their own making. In an effort to control the growth of their population years ago they introduced a single child policy. The result of that policy followed for many years was that baby girls were aborted and boys were allowed to come to term. So today there are far more men than available women and they have an aging problem that is quite severe. It is in their interest to eliminate as many of the elderly as possible before the weight of their support becomes untenable on Chinese society.
What could be more reasonable from their perspective than to seek funding from the Obama administration for their virology lab in Wuhan. Whenever they have a genuine problem they seek the support and assistance of ignorant Americans, even if it means stealing intellectual property. So the virology lab in Wuhan was not engaged in real medical research. It was rather a lab designed for the production of bio-weapons. It is not just a coincidence that the virus they created happens to kill the very people whom they have in surplus. It kills elderly people with multiple other medical issues and leaves for the most part the young and productive undamaged. So, not to worry. The population of the young who work six days a week, ten or twelve hours per day was largely untouched. One is reminded of the stories from Nazi Germany which described how the hated and unwanted were lined up and arbitrarily separated into two groups, those who would be killed immediately and those who would be sent to labor camps.
So what could big tech and social media have to do with this? They face the same demographic type issues. It is the young and vibrant who line the pockets of big tech and social media with cash. It is the elderly and infirm who contribute nothing to the bottom line. There is among the self appointed fascist censors of big tech and social media a genuine hatred of those who exist and fail to support the agenda of low wages, slave labor, and bizarre ideology which has been a hallmark of the left for generations.
There is this visceral hatred for man which is a consequence of the Hegelian views of the left. These views suggest that man is a perfectible being who is perfected in the historical process through conflict, violence, and punishment. Further, it is not enough that those opposed to leftist ideology submit. One must not only submit but one must also approve of the left's ideology. Through the twentieth century there were a number of nations which lost their republican form of government through election fraud and became statist societies. The pattern frequently shares some of the same characteristics. They destroy historical artifacts, burn books, form national police forces, and spy on their own people so they can root out and punish all disagreement. This is who these people are. There is no difference between the mass murderers in China who deliberately killed millions of persons worldwide and social and big tech which approve of the vicious ideology of the Chinese.
When the left gets around to hanging the average person from a meat hook and beating him with a rubber hose, it will not be because he failed to submit. It will be because he failed to approve.