Monday, December 19, 2011

The National Security Requirements of Non-interventionism

A non-interventionist foreign policy has long been integral to libertarian thought.  The non-aggression principle suggests that it is incumbent upon the free state to avoid interfering in the choices and policies of foreign states. This 'incumbency' is a matter of moral obligation.   The idea that the free state should not be imposing its will on a foreign states is not the same as saying that the free state should 'respect' the choices and policies of foreign states.   One might very well reach the conclusion that the policy of a foreign state is destructive of prosperity, or even of world peace.  This conclusion might very well lead one to a reasoned disrespect and even contempt of the foreign state.    The free state is nevertheless under the moral obligation not to act unless attacked.   It is upon attack alone that force is justified and even required.   The necessary and sufficient cause for military action is an attack upon the free state.  It is in the very purpose of the formation and consent to the free state that it act to defend those who have consented to its governance. 
Long before such an attack occurs the enemy of the free state may declare his intentions of initiating hostilities.  Such is the case with a number of terrorist states of our own time....notably Iran.  In this case, as in the historical case of Pearl Harbor, it is incumbent upon the free state to take such actions as would defend against hostilities principally by following a policy which would deny the enemy the opportunity of attaining his strategic objective.
The purpose of the Navy of the free state is not to 'project power,' or guarantee the security of the high seas (Mahan notwithstanding), but to prevent the military penetration or invasion of coasts.   The idea that the general taxpayer should subsidize import and export, by providing security on the high seas is nonsense.   The security of such trade is a private matter and the associated costs should be carried by those engaged in this activity and their customers. 
Iran has openly declared its hostility to the United States on numerous occasions even as the historic policy of the United States toward Iran has not been without fault.   Without engaging in an historical tit-for-tat argument,  one must consider a policy going forward.   Nothing is gained by wallowing in ideas of recriminations and revenge.
The strategic objective of Islamo-fascists everywhere is to invade western civilization, corrupt western culture, demand imposition of Shariah law, and prepare to fold all nations into an international caliphate.  This strategic objective is easily defeated.   It is easily defeated by the free state merely carrying out its fundamental mandate of defending its own borders and preventing invasion.   The victorious strategist is as suggested by Sun Tzu is one who recognizes the conditions of victory first and then only fights if necessary, and the greatest strategist is one who achieves a victory without engaging in battle.
Those who attacked the United States on 9/11/2001 were first allowed by United States policy to enter the country.   Whether on student visas, or visitor visas, or work visas....these are matters which are of no account.  The fact that the terrorist were already in the United States constituted what was arguably the greatest example of the dereliction of duty in the history of man.  This is the case, because the requirement that the free state defend those who have consented to its governance is a fundamental moral obligation.
Today there are already in the United States between two and three million illegal aliens whose homes of national origin are terrorist dominated states. It is not a stretch to suppose that many of these are merely waiting for a single phone message of only one word:  'Now!'    What shall we do?
Successive administrations of both political parties have taken the view that the 'war on terrorism' be conducted on foreign shores thousands of miles from the United States and have turned a blind eye to the terrorists in our midst.   Recently, the Obama administration even characterized the Fort Hood massacre as 'work place violence.'   This spurious definition meets at once the needs of political correctness, and the need to escape the constitutional responsibility for the maintenance of national security.
The security of the borders of the United States does not  merely involve issues of  the southern border, nor is it directed at only one ethnic group,  but it is about all borders, all ports of entry, all types of visas, and all ports and coasts.  It is about having a vetting process for those legally entering the United States that weeds out the underpants bombers.  It is about having a vetting process that weeds out the terrorist from the ranks of the uniformed military.   It is about having a limited student visa program that eliminates those interested in learning how to build bombs or fly commercial aircraft.  It is about rounding up those conspiring to damage the nation and deporting them. None of these activities need to require a repeal of the fourth amendment.   We need only admit that there is no natural law obligation upon the free state formed by consent to admit anynew applicants.
  Finally, it is about having a stiff criminal code that imposes suitable punishments upon those who are actively seeking to kill their neighbors and death penalties for those who succeed in doing so.   When we consider these types of activities we must concede that in recent years the truly effective means of achieving victory in the 'war on terrorism' remain largely unused.
The 'most dangerous' of policies are those which fail to carry out these basic responsibilities.  Those who insist on invasions of foreign countries and 'nation building'  either have not read or understood the wisdom of Sun Tzu which suggests that he who fights first and then looks for victory is destined for certain defeat.
These ideas do not mean those who desire 'preemptive' military action are merely 'Muslim haters' as has been recently suggested.  It means only that they are ignorant of how to achieve strategic victory.  In the end, the security of the free state will be best preserved in an atmosphere of economic prosperity un-sapped by the costs of perpetual war and nation building.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Economic Depression and the Election of 2012

            Beginning in the fall of 2011 there has come about a widespread misunderstanding among the class of talking heads and political pundits.   It is widely assumed that the election of a Republican President and Republican takeover of the Senate will mark such a change in policy that the nation will be delivered from the deliberate destruction of the economy which has been wrought by the Obama administration. This notion is fatuous.  It is highly unlikely that any change in economic policy will save the nation from the new normal of approximately 25% unemployment and negative inflation adjusted GDP growth.

            The reasons that the current economic collapse will undoubtedly stretch out over at least three decades are very clear.  In the first instance, there has been a multiple decade policy of subsidizing housing which created a bubble in the real estate market.   Ever increasing market values had the ancillary effect of subsidizing consumer spending as home equity was widely used to support an unreal and unsustainable standard of living. At the same time that this policy of subsidizing consumption was occurring federal policy deliberately subsidized oversees manufacturing and punished domestic manufacturing.   Moreover, overseas production of petroleum was subsidized while earnest efforts were being made to put domestic production out of business. These policies left the United States with a consumer based economy and chronic huge trade deficits.   The reasons why these policies were followed is simply because it was believed (ideology) that these policies would raise the standard of living of producer nations and bring prosperity to everybody in the world who previously lived in a cave and wore a loincloth.

            The path to economic recovery will require a repudiation of all of these failed policies of the past after an honest acceptance of the reality of demonstrable failure.  The ideology (sometimes called Progressivism) has failed. This failure was entirely predictable.  Every thing government taxes aggressively to changes hands in a black market, and everything the government subsidizes booms in an economic bubble which inevitably collapses.  The bubble in real estate has burst and the United States can no longer support the level of consumption which was previously quite artificial.   The bursting of the real estate bubble has cause huge international demand destruction.   Those nations who entered into this period with large debt are in the worst shape.  For them the recovery will be many decades in the future.  The producer nations which entered into this period with large reserves have only seen a delay in the arrival of the ubiquitous economic destruction. They may have stored up supplies of commodities for future production, but they have lost a huge percentage of their customer base.   Many economic pundits have suggested that the increasing incomes of persons living in producer nations will pick up the slack in consumer demand.   This notion is thoroughly mistaken.   The reality is that it does not matter how many billions of people are earning five dollars per day.  They will not replace the destroyed American consumer.  The loss of home equity in the United States is in the range of fifty trillion dollars and there is nobody anywhere in the world whom has a similar pile of stored value available to support consumer spending.

            In the process of the last many decades of policy incompetence and failed ideology which has been forthcoming from Washington there has been built up about fifteen trillion dollars in debt and one hundred trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.  Economic recovery from this catastrophe would require sufficient budget cutting to produce a five hundred billion dollar annual operating surplus in perpetuity and at the same time serious efforts to restrain the growth in unfunded liabilities as far as the eye can see.  Frankly, there are only two Republican candidates in the Presidential sweepstakes who would attempt this, and there are no probable Republican candidates who could succeed in implementing these policies. Even if these policies were to be implemented, a recovery in the United States economy would require the addition of five hundred thousand net new jobs every month for twelve years. Such a happy result is simply beyond the scope of the possible.

            This is an exercise in realism.  A realistic appraisal of the situation suggests economic depression continuing for at least three decades, and the sad fact is that this will be our future regardless of election results of 2012.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Emerging Punitive Tutelary Fascist State

The Obama administration's economic policies have transformed America into a culture of despair.  It is more than a single policy which has led to this result, but a whole panoply of ill advised policies.

There is the failure to recognize the true causes of the housing collapse, and the extent of worldwide demand destruction.  There has been the obsequious obedience to the demands of unionized labor.  There has been the bail-outs of failed major industries including General Motors, Chrysler, AIG, and the largest financial institutions in the nation. Efforts have been increased to drive domestic energy producers out of business and create an even higher reliance on foreign sources of energy.

There has been the constant refrain for higher taxes.  Even as all of this was occurring there was the inexplicable explosion in government employment, the refusal to trim federal spending, the progressive and continuing devaluation of the dollar.  Meanwhile there has been an incredible  pretense to having created jobs even as unemployment soars to levels not seen since the great depression, and lest we forget there has also been the willingness to embark on new foreign military misadventures without consulting Congress.

The only apparent talents of the President to have emerged in his disastrous first 44 months in office has been the ability to tour foreign countries and deliver impassioned speeches filled with apologies on behalf of the United States of America. It is now finally apparent that while Obama occasionally speaks well, when his teleprompter is functioning, in the end he is not an educated man and is incapable of thinking outside of the ideological orthodoxy in which he has been steeped.

In the respect, Obama is a man of the past.   Even his progressive ideology is in the midst of international failure as the New World Order of Globalism is collapsing all over the world.  The vision of a one world community of nations engaged in competitive devaluations of fiat currencies is over.  Even as these words are being written there are howls of anger and pain arising from many quarters at the German reluctance to underwrite Eurobonds and bail out the weakest hammock economies of Europe.  The next stop for those carrying the tin cup will be the United States, but the United States has nothing left but paper.  It seems highly unlikely that any nation with large foreign reserves like China would step up to the plate.

So the New World Order of Globalism is in the process of passing away into the dust bin of history.   And what will take its place?     First, there will be violence.  It will be initiated by those who lose benefits  in every and country and state where the depletion of available resources will be unable to sustain the cradle to grave welfare state. Reductions in public pensions will undoubtedly create the most discontent. After the violence subsides there will be a resumption in earnest of the Punitive Tutelary Fascist state.

This will be the back drop of the 2012 general election.   Unfortunately, the most likely result is that a Republican will win.....but win only on the abysmal economic performance of the Obama Administration.  The danger is that the new administration arrives without a mandate to entirely deconstruct the Punitive Tutelary Fascist state. The new policies which might reasonably be initiated by a  new administration will not be sufficient to rescue the nation from total economic destruction.   Tweaking around the edges of the tax code won't be enough.  For these reasons, the results of the election of 2012 probably won't matter.   We have simply passed the point of no return.

Monday, August 15, 2011


     For several decades, since the 1971 abrogation of the  Bretton Woods agreement,  the ushering in of the Progressive’s New World Order has been the design of domestic and foreign policy of many nations.  This New World Order has been constructed on the notion of competitive devaluations of fiat currencies over time and the merging of all nations into an Hegelian synthesis of world governance.   
     Taking the leadership role in this transformation of the world, the greatest since Westphalia, has been the United States.   The United States has filled the role of consumer of last resort to all nations and the printer of the underlying fiat currency, the US dollar.   The ideology has presumed that by subsidizing consumer spending and housing in the United States, the economy of the world could be driven to prosperity, bringing a higher standard of living to everyone in the world who previously lived in a cave and wore a loincloth.  Prosperity would be the result and the causes for war minimized. 
     But even as a house may be built on sand, so also nations may be built on a tissue of lies, only to realize an eventual collapse. 
     The truth is that governments are severely limited in what they may do when they seek to interfere in the market place.  They may tax and create a black market, or they may subsidize and create an eventual bubble. When the bubble bursts everything receives the discipline of market correction.
     This is where we find ourselves in our current state of affairs.   The collapsing real estate market world wide has destroyed vast amounts of wealth previously used to support consumer spending.    But now that is all gone.   There is no substitute, no alternative to this vanished wealth, left to support consumer spending.   So the New World Order of phony currency and subsidized consumer spending has reached the end of the road.   There are no last second exits, no unexpected off ramps, and no redemption from the punishments that always come to forms of rationalism.  The New World Order of Globalism must collapse as a result of the vast amount of demand destruction which it has wrought.
     The real world is a world of execution and performance. It is a world of real stores of value and real mediums of exchange. The real world may not be synthesized into an Hegelian Utopia.  The idea of world governance would require universal values based on universal natural law.   But even among nations and cultures which would subscribe to some idea of natural law, there is disagreement as to what the natural laws are.  Moreover, today there are many nations which repudiate any idea of natural law and openly subscribe to varieties of tribalism.  There is as a result no universal system of values.  The flaw in Quigley's "Inclusive Diverisity" is its inclusiveness.   Liberty may never be sacrificed to the false god of 'Unity.'
     And so much of mankind is a characteristic tribalistic being,  content only to survive within the context of his own tribe, and only very cautiously venturing beyond the limits of his personal knowledge and experience.  The repeated efforts of the Progressives to overcome this fact, to suggest modest increases in taxation or modest decreases in expenditures,  are like the proverbial dog returning to its own vomit.  
     As the economy of the New World Order  enters into a period of permanent collapse, there are those who suppose that the gap between expenditures and revenues worldwide can be closed by significantly higher taxes.    But, no amount of revenue can close this gap.  Nations of sound fiscal policy will not in the end support the profligate, nor should they.  Even if they were willing to do so, eventually the numbers of freeloaders would totally overburden the productive and the whole system would collapse.
     This is the great unreported story of our time.  It is the collapse of an ideology which has held sway for many decades, and has finally now reached its predictable end.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Is Man Capable of Governing Himself?

       Is man capable of governing himself?  The answer of the Statist, the Fascist, the Communist, the Democrat, Republican, and the Libertarian is precisely the same.   Man is not capable of governing himself. If man were capable of governing himself there would be no need for any sort of  government, consensual or otherwise at all.  None would need defend his person or property at any time. But, this is not the case.  As Paine said, "government is built upon the ruins of the bowers of Paradise."  Government in its very nature presumes  to stand in an executive place of a moral authority not found in any man.

      When one surveys the long and sorry history of man, one can draw no other conclusion than that he is incapable of governing himself.   One may wish to search the record of ancient civilizations or take the progressive approach and only look at  modern times.  The answer remains the same.  Man is not capable of governing himself.   This is a demonstrable fact. There is no need to adduce here a lengthy list of wars, genocides, mass murders, national bankruptcies, or intrigues which have punctuated history.  That  man may occasionally rise above himself does not negate this fundamental principle.  Man is not capable of consistently and without flaw governing either himself or all of his affairs much less the lives of others.

       The statist of any variety reasons that because man is incapable of governing himself, he must be governed by another.  The statist view is that the vast panoply of activities of every man must be circumscribed, lest his predatory nature be loosed on the rest of mankind.   However, this is faulty logic.  If man is incapable of governing himself, how could any honest person presume to govern others and manage the minutia of their lives?  Is not the fundamental flaw of any statist government hubris?  If those whose lives are to be regulated are free moral agents, certainly the same must be true of rulers.

      All of mankind are free moral agents who act primarily in self interest.   What then are the limits of action in self-interest?  Are there not equally limits of actions of government so as not to extend to hubris?  The limits on self interest applicable to individuals must equally be applied to governments.    I am free to act howsoever I wish so long as I do not invade the same space of another.  This  must equally apply to any form of government.  Persons may not by consent grant to government a power not resident within themselves by Nature.  The power granted to individuals by Nature are powers of self preservation.  No other power or authority exists. 

      The Libertarian stands out from every other view of human governance in society.  The Libertarian refuses to accept a dichotomy in the nature of man. Thomas Paine wrote of the 'unity of degree of man.'  Thomas Jefferson used the phrase 'created equal.'   The view of the Libertarian is that all men are equally free moral agents, made so by the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God.  If the individual is by nature prohibited from imposing force on another except in self preservation, then the same must be true for any government formed by consent.  Government may not exercise force except in self preservation of itself and those whom have consented to its formation.

      All of the statist views presume an elite which is in some way 'better' than other men, and that these two conflicting groups  exist side by side.  Statism always implies some sort of moral transcendence, i.e. that not all of mankind are morally imperfect.   Through whatever mechanism:  birth, ideology, indoctrination,  racial or religious identity, all statists believe and accept a dichotomy in man.  There are those who are holy and whose behavior is laudable who are endowed with rights to dominion.   There are others who are sinful and whose behavior is odious who are endowed with obligations of servitude.

     The statists of any variety see the fundamental existential truth of the universe as the punishment of the sinful obligors into submission.   It is their view that the great bulk of humanity (the obligors) must be led, fed, and most of all punished. The statist claims free moral agent status for himself, and that unlike others he neither stumbles nor falters.    Nevertheless he repudiates the notion of the same claim made by any of the obligors. The statist view is that he is entitled by his own transformed humanity to punish the obligors into submission and that if this is done without mercy and with sufficient vigor, all of man will be transformed.   The statist believes that by denying  the status of  free moral agent to all of the obligors  he will usher in an Utopian state.

      But man is a free moral agent.  A man may be denied the use of a limb or an eye.  He may be tortured, starved, beaten, and compelled to suffer every imaginable abuse.  Nevertheless, he remains a free moral agent. He may choose.  Sometimes he may choose the 'good,' and other times he may choose the 'evil.'  Man is made this way by the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God.  There is no evidence of any group or sub-group of  elites who are not  subject to the same errors and  infirmities as the obligors.   At some point all men make mistakes which uncorrected  lead toward a path of self destruction.  

       The obvious truth that all men are free moral agents implies self ownership.  I am not compelled by any Law of Nature or of Nature's God to any moral course. Nature might have made me without moral choice, indistinguishable from the animals of the field, but I have been left free to choose.   I own my own body even as I own the right to choose.  This does not mean that a man is always going to choose wisely or 'rightly.'  In fact, experience shows that all men choose badly.... some more or less frequently  than others.

       What then are the alternatives for the social relations of man?

      Men may form by consent a state based on the dubious ideology of the punishment of man into submission.  One may honestly accept the notion of two types of human beings.  One may accept a dichotomy in the nature of man.  The vast majority of all societies which have ever existed have taken the approach of a dichotomy of man and of the punishment of the obligors into submission.

       Alternatively, men may form by consent a state based  on the idea of a contract for mutual protection without any jurisdiction beyond the self preservation with which all mankind are empowered within themselves, and leave all other considerations to individual choice and action.   The Libertarian does not suggest that such a course of action ushers in an Utopia, but only a flawed reality preferable to others.   All mankind remain free moral agents, and the only function of the government formed by consent is to protect all equally from the predations of any other.

       That 'evil' exists in such a state is no different from its existence in the absence of such a government formed by consent.    Such a government is not empowered to transform or perfect man, but instead accepts the idea that the fundamental existential truth of the universe is grace triumphant in the affairs of man.    If anything 'good' is to happen, it must be done by the broad self interested acts of all men or the narrow altruistic activities of individual men.  Short of those activities all of society would end in greed and squalor.

        It is the judgment of the Libertarian that capricious acts of punishment do not form as sound a basis for human governance and civil society as fortuitous acts of grace.   These are the two societies from which man as a free moral agent  has always been compelled to choose.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Elephant in the Progressive Room

     At the very heart of modern Progressivism is its epistemological weakness. It is the elephant in the room.

     The assertion that the "progress of man" is inevitable or inexorable is patently false on its surface.   One is hard pressed to find greater examples of the depravity of man than may be adduced from the twentieth century.  There was a seemingly endless list of the merciless butcheries of tyrants....Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and so forth.  In the face of all of these any assertion of the continual moral betterment of man is absurd. 

      Beyond the question of ethics or morals there is the question of technology or material betterment.  A thorough review of history will disclose that many technologies and even engineering achievements have been lost for extensive periods of time.  Perhaps the greatest wholesale case of this being true is the example of the dark ages from 500 AD to 1000 AD in which much of the hard won knowledge and technology of Rome was lost.

       Ludwig von Mises suggests that it is not even necessary for us to point to historical examples of regression to disprove the faith of the Progressive.  
      "Mankind is almost unanimous in its appraisal of the material accomplishments of modern capitalistic civilization. The immense majority considers the higher standard of living which this civilization secures to the average man highly desirable. It would be difficult to discover, outside of the small and continually shrinking group of consistent ascetics, people who do not wish for themselves and their families and friends the enjoyment of the material paraphernalia of Western capitalism.
     If, from this point of view, people assert that "we" have progressed beyond the conditions of earlier ages, their judgment of value agrees with that of the majority. But if they assume that what they call progress is a necessary phenomenon and that there prevails in the course of events a law that makes progress in this sense go on forever, they are badly mistaken.
To disprove this doctrine of an inherent tendency toward progress that operates automatically, as it were, there is no need to refer to those older civilizations in which periods of material improvement were followed by periods of material decay or by periods of standstill. There is no reason whatever to assume that a law of historical evolution operates necessarily toward the improvement of material conditions or that trends which prevailed in the recent past will go on in the future too.
       What is called economic progress is the effect of an accumulation of capital goods exceeding the increase in population. If this trend gives way to a standstill in the further accumulation of capital or to capital decumulation, there will no longer be progress in this sense of the term.
Everyone but the most bigoted socialists agrees that the unprecedented improvement in economic conditions that has occurred in the last two hundred years is an achievement of capitalism. It is, to say the least, premature to assume that the tendency toward progressive economic improvement will continue under a different economic organization of society."

        The view here of Mises is that the assumption of a law of historical evolution is simply unwarranted.  The Hegelian historical dialectic is at the very least premature.  Nevertheless, the Progressives insist on conducting these experiments which invariably end in failure.  Public schools, progressive income taxation, welfare statism, and every imaginable structure of tutelary fascism have reached hitherto unimaginable dimensions of failure.

        Perhaps the most recent and popular of these experiments is the test of the proposition that corporate welfare produces economic growth.  After many years of this experiment we may at last admit that this idea too is a complete failure.  In all of these  respects we might repair to the view of Alexander Hamilton,   who suggests in Federalist #6,   "Let experience, the least fallible guide of human opinions, be appealed to for an answer to these inquiries." 

The Theology of the Progressive's Tutelary Fascist State

Anyone reading the last chapter of Democracy in America receives a quick introduction into the essence of the modern tutelary fascist state.  But what is the intellectual foundation for this modern form of tyranny, and exactly what do they believe?

Here is a video of the so-called Georgia Henge, and the exact English text ( I have added the numbering) which is written on it:

1.   * Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2.   * Guide reproduction wisely-improving fitness and diversity.
3.   * Unite humanity with a living new language.
4.   * Rule passion-faith-tradition-and all things with tempered reason.
5.   * Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6.   * Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7.   * Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8.   * Balance personal rights with social duties.
9.   * Prize truth-beauty-love-seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.  * Be not a cancer on the earth-Leave room for nature-Leave room for nature.

There is a dispute about whence this monument came.  Some have suggested that its origin is Rosicrucian. There is no dispute that the content of these ten 'commandments' are 'progressive' in nature. The ideology of the Progressive is driven by the Hegelian historical dialectic and the depreciation of the individual inherited from Feuerbach and Marx.  These are directives which seem to be addressed to governments rather than individuals.  This presents a remarkable contrast with the ten commandments of the Bible which are directed to individuals.

Some have suggested that the first two directives here advocate genocide. The text  "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature," and "Guide Reproduction wisely-improving fitness and diversity," necessarily suggests either eugenics or mass murder. The second directive suggests to me that eugenics is most likely what is in view here.  

Ithe third and fourth directives there is a depreciation of culture and language of nation states.

Directives five, six and seven urge some form of international governance over the nation states which are viewed as subordinate.

Directive seven which urges a 'balance' of personal rights with 'social duties' suggests that rights and obligations are equally allocated by government.....and that whereas some are endowed with a right to dominion, others are endowed with an obligation of servitude.

Directives nine and ten elevate 'nature' as somehow superior to  or of a greater value than man.  The assumption in these is that somehow man is not 'natural,'  but is a cancer on the natural order which in destoying its host will also destroy itself.

Underlying these directives is the idea of limited natural resources rapidly being exhausted merely by the presence of man.  However,  the natural resources of the earth are nowhere near being exhausted.  Moreover, vast resources exist also on the moon (e.g. He3 and its potential use in the production of unlimited energy through fusion) and on a multitude of asteroids (some of which are almost entirely stainless steel).

 The idea of a shortage of fossil fuels is also nonsense. It is an indisputable fact that from the inception of the age of oil, producers have sought a wide variety of strategies both at the level of the well head, and at the level of refined product which would limit the amount of petroleum on the market.  This has been the objective of OPEC from its inception:  the support of high prices for product through the limitation of available supply.  If there were truly any shortage of petroleum, there would be no organization such as OPEC with an objective of keeping supply under control for purpose of obtaining high prices.

       The standard of living of everyone on the earth is determined by a large number of factors not the least of which is the abundance of cheap energy.   The war against cheap energy has been deliberately pursued for decades.  It has achieved  the result of reducing the standard of living which prevails in every nation.  At some point these efforts may result in mass starvation as a necessary consequence consistent with the first directive.  But, there is no way of knowing with certainty whether this consequence is primary and intentional or secondary and inadvertent.

When we consider this plethora of beliefs, canards,  nostrums, and blandishments....these are the conclusions which we must draw.

1.   The god of the Progressive is nature.  This may  be true even to the extent of Pantheism.

2.   The individual man is devoid of value.  He is a cancer and a violation against nature.  A man is sin. He is incapable of managing his own affairs consistent with his obligations to nature.   Value absent in the individual resides only in the social context    He can only be redeemed through government action. The depreciation of the individual can also be seen in such statements made by Obama to the effect that none of us is saved individually, but only together.   Therefore, the fundamental existential truth of the universe in this view is the unrelenting punishment of man into submission by government. 

        And, who is the 'useless' official?   The 'useless' official is the one who is not imposing sufficiently vigorous punishments.  He is a derelict angel failing to swing his whip freely.   It is the view of Obama that it is his moral duty to punish Americans until he achieves their submission and redemption.  What he does for us is for our own good.

3.    In the end man redeems himself through obediance to the requirements of government and through the repudiation of individual identity.  Government  is redemptive. Strong executive government leadership is Messianic.    All national governments will eventually reach a synthesis through conflict, and that synthesis will be the paradise of world government.  There is no afterlife for the individual.   Whereas, a man is mortal and passes away,  the obedient government (and perhaps the spirit of the obedient social group) is co-eternal with god, i.e. nature.  In a very real sense government and its executive may assert, "I and my Father are One."  The only reward available to a man is harmony with the infinity of nature.

4.    What is repudiated in the Progressive view is the unity of degree of man.   By whatever mechanism, there must be those who determine both rights and obligations, and those who are mere recipients of those determinations.  This view is consistent with traditional ideas of aristocracy or plutocracy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

From time to time it is important that we resurrect the greatest wisdom from the past which we can find and study it.   Accordingly, I am posting here this classic piece of libertarian thought.   Highlighted passages are my favorites.  This essay should be read and studied along side the last chapter of Alexis de Tocqueville's,  Democracy in America.

The Politics of Obedience:  The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude 
Etienne de la Boetie 1530-1563 
Part I
I see no good in having several lords:Let one alone be master, let one alone be king.These words Homer puts in the mouth of Ulysses,[1] as he addresses the people. If he had said nothing further than "I see no good in having several lords," it would have been well spoken. For the sake of logic he should have maintained that the rule of several could not be good since the power of one man alone, as soon as he acquires the title of master, becomes abusive and unreasonable.
Instead he declared what seems preposterous: "Let one alone be master, let one alone be king." We must not be critical of Ulysses, who at the moment was perhaps obliged to speak these words in order to quell a mutiny in the army, for this reason, in my opinion, choosing language to meet the emergency rather than the truth. Yet, in the light of reason, it is a great misfortune to be at the beck and call of one master, for it is impossible to be sure that he is going to be kind, since it is always in his power to be cruel whenever he pleases.
As for having several masters, according to the number one has, it amounts to being that many times unfortunate. Although I do not wish at this time to discuss this much-debated question, namely, whether other types of government are preferable to monarchy,[2] still I should like to know, before casting doubt on the place that monarchy should occupy among commonwealths, whether or not it belongs to such a group, since it is hard to believe that there is anything of common wealth in a country where everything belongs to one master. This question, however, can remain for another time and would really require a separate treatment involving by its very nature all sorts of political discussion.
For the present I should like merely to understand how it happens that so many men, so many villages, so many cities, so many nations, sometimes suffer under a single tyrant who has no other power than the power they give him; who is able to harm them only to the extent to which they have the willingness to bear with him; who could do them absolutely no injury unless they preferred to put up with him rather than contradict him. Surely a striking situation!
Yet it is so common that one must grieve the more and wonder the less at the spectacle of a million men serving in wretchedness, their necks under the yoke, not constrained by a greater multitude than they, but simply, it would seem, delighted and charmed by the name of one man alone whose power they need not fear, for he is evidently the one person whose qualities they cannot admire because of his inhumanity and brutality toward them.
A weakness characteristic of human kind is that we often have to obey force; we have to make concessions; we ourselves cannot always be the stronger. Therefore, when a nation is constrained by the fortune of war to serve a single clique, as happened when the city of Athens served the 30 Tyrants,[3] one should not be amazed that the nation obeys but simply be grieved by the situation - or rather, instead of being amazed or saddened, consider patiently the evil and look forward hopefully toward a happier future. Our nature is such that the common duties of human relationship occupy a great part of the course of our life.
It is reasonable to love virtue, to esteem good deeds, to be grateful for good from whatever source we may receive it, and, often, to give up some of our comfort in order to increase the honor and advantage of some man whom we love and who deserves it. Therefore, if the inhabitants of a country have found some great personage who has shown rare foresight in protecting them in an emergency, rare boldness in defending them, rare solicitude in governing them, and if, from that point on, they contract the habit of obeying him and depending on him to such an extent that they grant him certain prerogatives, I fear that such a procedure is not prudent, inasmuch as they remove him from a position in which he was doing good and advance him to a dignity in which he may do evil. Certainly while he continues to manifest good will, one need fear no harm from a man who seems to be generally well disposed.
But O, good Lord! What strange phenomenon is this? What name shall we give it? What is the nature of this misfortune? What vice is it, or, rather, what degradation? To see an endless multitude of people not merely obeying, but driven to servility? Not ruled, but tyrannized over? These wretches have no wealth, no kin, nor wife nor children, not even life itself that they can call their own.
Shall we call subjection to such a leader cowardice? Shall we say that those who serve him are cowardly and fainthearted? If two, if three, if four do not defend themselves from the one, we might call that circumstance surprising but nevertheless conceivable. In such a case one might be justified in suspecting a lack of courage. But if a hundred, if a thousand endure the caprice of a single man, should we not rather say that they lack not the courage but the desire to rise against him, and that such an attitude indicates indifference rather than cowardice?
When not a hundred, not a thousand men, but a hundred provinces, a thousand cities, a million men, refuse to assail a single man from whom the kindest treatment received is the infliction of serfdom and slavery, what shall we call that? Is it cowardice? Of course there is in every vice inevitably some limit beyond which one cannot go. Two, possibly ten, may fear one; but when a thousand, a million men, a thousand cities, fail to protect themselves against the domination of one man, this cannot be called cowardly, for cowardice does not sink to such a depth, any more than valor can be termed the effort of one individual to scale a fortress, to attack an army, or to conquer a kingdom. What monstrous vice, then, is this which does not even deserve to be called cowardice, a vice for which no term can be found vile enough, which nature herself disavows and our tongues refuse to name?
Place on one side fifty thousand armed men, and on the other the same number. Let them join in battle, one side fighting to retain its liberty, the other to take it away; to which would you, at a guess, promise victory? Which men do you think would march more gallantly to combat - those who anticipate as a reward for their suffering the maintenance of their freedom or those who cannot expect any other prize for the blows exchanged than the enslavement of others?
One side will have before its eyes the blessings of the past and the hope of similar joy in the future; their thoughts will dwell less on the comparatively brief pain of battle than on what they may have to endure forever - they, their children, and all their posterity. The other side has nothing to inspire it with courage except the weak urge of greed, which fades before danger and which can never be so keen, it seems to me, that it will not be dismayed by the least drop of blood from wounds.
Consider the justly famous battles of Miltiades,[4] Leonidas,[5] Themistocles,[6] still fresh today in recorded history and in the minds of men as if they had occurred but yesterday, battles fought in Greece for the welfare of the Greeks and as an example to the world. What power do you think gave to such a mere handful of men not the strength but the courage to withstand the attack of a fleet so vast that even the seas were burdened, and to defeat the armies of so many nations, armies so immense that their officers alone outnumbered the entire Greek force? What was it but the fact that in those glorious days this struggle represented not so much a fight of Greeks against Persians as a victory of liberty over domination, of freedom over greed?
It amazes us to hear accounts of the valor that liberty arouses in the hearts of those who defend it; but who could believe reports of what goes on every day among the inhabitants of some countries? Who could really believe that one man alone may mistreat a hundred thousand and deprive them of their liberty? Who would credit such a report if he merely heard it, without being present to witness the event? And if this condition occurred only in distant lands and were reported to us, which one among us would not assume the tale to be imagined or invented, and not really true?
Obviously there is no need of fighting to overcome this single tyrant, for he is automatically defeated if the country refuses consent to its own enslavement: it is not necessary to deprive him of anything but simply to give him nothing; there is no need that the country make an effort to do anything for itself provided it does nothing against itself. It is therefore the inhabitants themselves who permit, or, rather, bring about, their own subjection, since by ceasing to submit they would put an end to their servitude.
A people enslaves itself, cuts its own throat, when, having a choice between being vassals and being free men, it deserts its liberties and takes on the yoke, gives consent to its own misery, or, rather, apparently welcomes it. If it cost the people anything to recover its freedom, I should not urge action to this end, although there is nothing a human should hold more dear than the restoration of his own natural right, to change himself from a beast of burden back to a man, so to speak. I do not demand of him so much boldness; let him prefer the doubtful security of living wretchedly to the uncertain hope of living as he pleases.
What then? If in order to have liberty nothing more is needed than to long for it, if only a simple act of the will is necessary, is there any nation in the world that considers a single wish too high a price to pay in order to recover rights which it ought to be ready to redeem at the cost of its blood, rights such that their loss must bring all men of honor to the point of feeling life to be unendurable and death itself a deliverance?
Everyone knows that the fire from a little spark will increase and blaze ever higher as long as it finds wood to burn; yet without being quenched by water, but merely by finding no more fuel to feed on, it consumes itself, dies down, and is no longer a flame. Similarly, the more tyrants pillage, the more they crave, the more they ruin and destroy - the more one yields to them, and obeys them - by that much do they become mightier and more formidable, the readier to annihilate and destroy. But if not one thing is yielded to them, if, without any violence they are simply not obeyed, they become naked and undone and as nothing, just as, when the root receives no nourishment, the branch withers and dies.
To achieve the good that they desire, the bold do not fear danger; the intelligent do not refuse to undergo suffering. It is the stupid and cowardly who are neither able to endure hardship nor to vindicate their rights; they stop at merely longing for them and lose through timidity the valor roused by the effort to claim their rights, although the desire to enjoy them still remains as part of their nature. A longing common to both the wise and the foolish, to brave men and to cowards, is this longing for all those things which, when acquired, would make them happy and contented.
Yet one element appears to be lacking. I do not know how it happens that nature fails to place within the hearts of men a burning desire for liberty, a blessing so great and so desirable that when it is lost all evils follow thereafter, and even the blessings that remain lose taste and savor because of their corruption by servitude. Liberty is the only joy upon which men do not seem to insist; for surely if they really wanted it, they would receive it. Apparently they refuse this wonderful privilege because it is so easily acquired.
Poor, wretched, and stupid peoples, nations determined on your own misfortune and blind to your own good! You let yourselves be deprived before your own eyes of the best part of your revenues; your fields are plundered, your homes robbed, your family heirlooms taken away. You live in such a way that you cannot claim a single thing as your own; and it would seem that you consider yourselves lucky to be loaned your property, your families, and your very lives.
All this havoc, this misfortune, this ruin, descends upon you not from alien foes, but from the one enemy whom you yourselves render as powerful as he is, for whom you go bravely to war, for whose greatness you do not refuse to offer your own bodies unto death. He who thus domineers over you has only two eyes, only two hands, only one body, no more than is possessed by the least man among the infinite numbers dwelling in your cities; he has indeed nothing more than the power that you confer upon him to destroy you.
Where has he acquired enough eyes to spy upon you if you do not provide them yourselves? How can he have so many arms to beat you with if he does not borrow them from you? The feet that trample down your cities, where does he get them if they are not your own? How does he have any power over you except through you? How would he dare assail you if he had not cooperation from you? What could he do to you if you yourselves did not connive with the thief who plunders you, if you were not accomplices of the murderer who kills you, if you were not traitors to yourselves?
You sow your crops in order that he may ravage them; you install and furnish your homes to give him goods to pillage; you rear your daughters that he may gratify his lust; you bring up your children in order that he may confer upon them the greatest privilege he knows - to be led into his battles, to be delivered to butchery, to be made the servants of his greed and the instruments of his vengeance; you yield your bodies unto hard labor in order that he may indulge in his delights and wallow in his filthy pleasures; you weaken yourselves in order to make him the stronger and the mightier to hold you in check. From all these indignities, such as the very beasts of the field would not endure, you can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free.
Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces.
Part II
Doctors are no doubt correct in warning us not to touch incurable wounds; and I am presumably taking chances in preaching as I do to a people which has long lost all sensitivity and, no longer conscious of its infirmity, is plainly suffering from mortal illness. Let us therefore understand by logic, if we can, how it happens that this obstinate willingness to submit has become so deeply rooted in a nation that the very love of liberty now seems no longer natural.
In the first place, all would agree that, if we led our lives according to the ways intended by nature and the lessons taught by her, we should be intuitively obedient to our parents; later we should adopt reason as our guide and become slaves to nobody. Concerning the obedience given instinctively to one's father and mother, we are in agreement, each one admitting himself to be a model.
As to whether reason is born with us or not, that is a question loudly discussed by academicians and treated by all schools of philosophers. For the present, I think I do not err in stating that there is in our souls some native seed of reason, which, if nourished by good counsel and training, flowers into virtue, but which, on the other hand, if unable to resist the vices surrounding it, is stifled and blighted. Yet surely if there is anything in this world clear and obvious, to which one cannot close one's eyes, it is the fact that nature, handmaiden of God, governess of men, has cast us all in the same mold in order that we may behold in one another companions, or rather brothers.
If in distributing her gifts nature has favored some more than others with respect to body or spirit, she has nevertheless not planned to place us within this world as if it were a field of battle and has not endowed the stronger or the cleverer in order that they may act like armed brigands in a forest and attack the weaker. One should rather conclude that in distributing larger shares to some and smaller shares to others, nature has intended to give occasion for brotherly love to become manifest, some of us having the strength to give help to others who are in need of it.
Hence, since this kind mother has given us the whole world as a dwelling place, has lodged us in the same house, has fashioned us according to the same model so that in beholding one another we might almost recognize ourselves; since she has bestowed upon us all the great gift of voice and speech for fraternal relationship, thus achieving by the common and mutual statement of our thoughts a communion of our wills; and since she has tried in every way to narrow and tighten the bond of our union and kinship; since she has revealed in every possible manner her intention, not so much to associate us as to make us one organic whole, there can be no further doubt that we are all naturally free, inasmuch as we are all comrades. Accordingly it should not enter the mind of anyone that nature has placed some of us in slavery, since she has actually created us all in one likeness.
Therefore it is fruitless to argue whether or not liberty is natural, since none can be held in slavery without being wronged, and in a world governed by nature, which is reasonable, there is nothing so contrary as an injustice. Since freedom is our natural state, we are not only in possession of it but have the urge to defend it. Now, if perchance some cast a doubt on this conclusion and are so corrupted that they are not able to recognize their rights and inborn tendencies, I shall have to do them the honor that is properly theirs and place, so to speak, brute beasts in the pulpit to throw light on their nature and condition. The very beasts, God help me! if men are not too deaf, cry out to them, "Long live Liberty!"
Many among them die as soon as captured: just as the fish loses life as soon as he leaves the water, so do these creatures close their eyes upon the light and have no desire to survive the loss of their natural freedom. If the animals were to constitute their kingdom by rank, their nobility would be chosen from this type. Others, from the largest to the smallest, when captured put up such a strong resistance by means of claws, horns, beaks, and paws, that they show clearly enough how they cling to what they are losing; afterwards in captivity they manifest by so many evident signs their awareness of their misfortune, that it is easy to see they are languishing rather than living, and continue their existence more in lamentation of their lost freedom than in enjoyment of their servitude.
What else can explain the behavior of the elephant who, after defending himself to the last ounce of his strength and knowing himself on the point of being taken, dashes his jaws against the trees and breaks his tusks, thus manifesting his longing to remain free as he has been and proving his wit and ability to buy off the huntsmen in the hope that through the sacrifice of his tusks he will be permitted to offer his ivory as a ransom for his liberty? We feed the horse from birth in order to train him to do our bidding. Yet he is tamed with such difficulty that when we begin to break him in, he bites the bit, he rears at the touch of the spur, as if to reveal his instinct and show by his actions that if he obeys he does so not of his own free will but under constraint. What more can we say?
Even the oxen under the weight of the yoke complain,And the birds in their cage lament,as I expressed it some time ago, toying with our French poesy.
For I shall not hesitate in writing to you, O Longa,[1][7] to introduce some of my verses, which I never read to you because of your obvious encouragement, which is quite likely to make me conceited. And now, since all beings, because they feel, suffer misery in subjection and long for liberty; since the very beasts, although made for the service of man, cannot become accustomed to control without protest, what evil chance has so denatured man that he, the only creature really born to be free, lacks the memory of his original condition and the desire to return to it?
There are three kinds of tyrants: some receive their proud position through elections by the people, others by force of arms, others by inheritance. Those who have acquired power by means of war act in such wise that it is evident they rule over a conquered country. Those who are born to kingship are scarcely any better because they are nourished on the breast of tyranny, suck in with their milk the instincts of the tyrant, and consider the people under them as their inherited serfs; and according to their individual disposition, miserly or prodigal, they treat their kingdom as their property.
He who has received the state from the people, however, ought to be, it seems to me, more bearable and would be so, I think, were it not for the fact that as soon as he sees himself higher than the others, flattered by that quality which we call grandeur, he plans never to relinquish his position. Such a man usually determines to pass on to his children the authority that the people have conferred upon him; and once his heirs have taken this attitude, strange it is how far they surpass other tyrants in all sorts of vices, and especially in cruelty, because they find no other means to impose this new tyranny than by tightening control and removing their subjects so far from any notion of liberty that even if the memory of it is fresh, it will soon be eradicated.
Yet, to speak accurately, I do perceive that there is some difference among these three types of tyranny, but as for stating a preference, I cannot grant there is any. For although the means of coming into power differ, still the method of ruling is practically the same: those who are elected act as if they were breaking in bullocks; those who are conquerors make the people their prey; those who are heirs plan to treat them as if they were their natural slaves.
In connection with this, let us imagine some newborn individuals, neither acquainted with slavery nor desirous of liberty, ignorant indeed of the very words. If they were permitted to choose between being slaves and free men, to which would they give their vote? There can be no doubt that they would much prefer to be guided by reason itself than to be ordered about by the whims of a single man. The only possible exception might be the Israelites who, without any compulsion or need, appointed a tyrant.[8] I can never read their history without becoming angered and even inhuman enough to find satisfaction in the many evils that befell them on this account.
But certainly all men, as long as they remain men, before letting themselves become enslaved must either be driven by force or led into it by deception - conquered by foreign armies, as were Sparta and Athens by the forces of Alexander[9] or by political factions, as when at an earlier period the control of Athens had passed into the hands of Pisistrates.[10]
When they lose their liberty through deceit, they are not so often betrayed by others as misled by themselves. This was the case with the people of Syracuse, chief city of Sicily when, in the throes of war and heedlessly planning only for the present danger, they promoted Denis,[11] their first tyrant, by entrusting to him the command of the army, without realizing that they had given him such power that on his victorious return this worthy man would behave as if he had vanquished not his enemies but his compatriots, transforming himself from captain to king, and then from king to tyrant.[12]
It is incredible how as soon as a people becomes subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and so willingly that one is led to say, on beholding such a situation, that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement. It is true that in the beginning men submit under constraint and by force; but those who come after them obey without regret and perform willingly what their predecessors had done because they had to. This is why men born under the yoke and then nourished and reared in slavery are content, without further effort, to live in their native circumstance, unaware of any other state or right, and considering as quite natural the condition into which they were born.
There is, however, no heir so spendthrift or indifferent that he does not sometimes scan the account books of his father in order to see if he is enjoying all the privileges of his legacy or whether, perchance, his rights and those of his predecessor have not been encroached upon. Nevertheless it is clear enough that the powerful influence of custom is in no respect more compelling than in this, namely, habituation to subjection. It is said that Mithridates[13] trained himself to drink poison. Like him, we learn to swallow, and not to find bitter, the venom of servitude.
It cannot be denied that nature is influential in shaping us to her will and making us reveal our rich or meager endowment; yet it must be admitted that she has less power over us than custom, for the reason that native endowment, no matter how good, is dissipated unless encouraged, whereas environment always shapes us in its own way, whatever that may be, in spite of nature's gifts.
The good seed that nature plants in us is so slight and so slippery that it cannot withstand the least harm from wrong nourishment; it flourishes less easily, becomes spoiled, withers, and comes to nothing. Fruit trees retain their own particular quality if permitted to grow undisturbed, but lose it promptly and bear strange fruit not their own when engrafted. Every herb has its peculiar characteristics, its virtues and properties; yet frost, weather, soil, or the gardener's hand increase or diminish its strength; the plant seen in one spot cannot be recognized in another.
Whoever could have observed the early Venetians, a handful of people living so freely that the most wicked among them would not wish to be king over them; so born and trained that they would not vie with one another except as to which one could give the best counsel and nurture their liberty most carefully; so instructed and developed from their cradles that they would not exchange for all the other delights of the world an iota of their freedom - who, I say, familiar with the original nature of such a people, could visit today the territories of the man known as the Great Doge,[14] and there contemplate with composure a people unwilling to live except to serve him, and maintaining his power at the cost of their lives? Who would believe that these two groups of people had an identical origin? Would one not rather conclude that upon leaving a city of men he had chanced upon a menagerie of beasts?
Lycurgus,[15] the lawgiver of Sparta, is reported to have reared two dogs of the same litter by fattening one in the kitchen and training the other in the fields to the sound of the bugle and the horn, thereby to demonstrate to the Lacedaemonians that men, too, develop according to their early habits.
He set the two dogs in the open market place, and between them he placed a bowl of soup and a hare. One ran to the bowl of soup, the other to the hare; yet they were, as he maintained, born brothers of the same parents. In such manner did this leader, by his laws and customs, shape and instruct the Spartans so well that any one of them would sooner have died than acknowledge any sovereign other than law and reason.
It gives me pleasure to recall a conversation of the olden time between one of the favorites of Xerxes, the great king of Persia, and two Lacedaemonians. When Xerxes equipped his great army to conquer Greece, he sent his ambassadors into the Greek cities to ask for water and earth. That was the procedure the Persians adopted in summoning the cities to surrender. Neither to Athens nor to Sparta, however, did he dispatch such messengers, because those who had been sent there by Darius his father had been thrown, by the Athenians and Spartans, some into ditches and others into wells, with the invitation to help themselves freely there to water and soil to take back to their prince. Those Greeks could not permit even the slightest suggestion of encroachment upon their liberty.
The Spartans suspected, nevertheless, that they had incurred the wrath of the gods by their action, and especially the wrath of Talthybios, the god of the heralds; in order to appease him they decided to send Xerxes two of their citizens in atonement for the cruel death inflicted upon the ambassadors of his father. Two Spartans, one named Sperte and the other Bulis, volunteered to offer themselves as a sacrifice. So they departed, and on the way they came to the palace of the Persian named Hydarnes, lieutenant of the king in all the Asiatic cities situated on the sea coasts.
He received them with great honor, feasted them, and then, speaking of one thing and another, he asked them why they refused so obdurately his king's friendship. "Consider well, O Spartans," said he, "and realize by my example that the king knows how to honor those who are worthy, and believe that if you were his men he would do the same for you; if you belonged to him and he had known you, there is not one among you who might not be the lord of some Greek city."
"By such words, Hydarnes, you give us no good counsel," replied the Lacedaemonians, "because you have experienced merely the advantage of which you speak; you do not know the privilege we enjoy. You have the honor of the king's favor; but you know nothing about liberty, what relish it has and how sweet it is. For if you had any knowledge of it, you yourself would advise us to defend it, not with lance and shield, but with our very teeth and nails."
Only Spartans could give such an answer, and surely both of them spoke as they had been trained. It was impossible for the Persian to regret liberty, not having known it, nor for the Lacedaemonians to find subjection acceptable after having enjoyed freedom.
Cato the Utican, while still a child under the rod, could come and go in the house of Sylla the despot. Because of the place and family of his origin and because he and Sylla were close relatives, the door was never closed to him. He always had his teacher with him when he went there, as was the custom for children of noble birth.
He noticed that in the house of Sylla, in the dictator's presence or at his command, some men were imprisoned and others sentenced; one was banished, another was strangled; one demanded the goods of another citizen, another his head; in short, all went there, not as to the house of a city magistrate but as to the people's tyrant, and this was therefore not a court of justice, but rather a resort of tyranny.
Whereupon the young lad said to his teacher, "Why don't you give me a dagger? I will hide it under my robe. I often go into Sylla's room before he is risen, and my arm is strong enough to rid the city of him." There is a speech truly characteristic of Cato; it was a true beginning of this hero so worthy of his end. And should one not mention his name or his country but state merely the fact as it is, the episode itself would speak eloquently, and anyone would divine that he was a Roman born in Rome at the time when she was free.
And why all this? Certainly not because I believe that the land or the region has anything to do with it, for in any place and in any climate subjection is bitter and to be free is pleasant; but merely because I am of the opinion that one should pity those who, at birth, arrive with the yoke upon their necks. We should exonerate and forgive them, since they have not seen even the shadow of liberty, and, being quite unaware of it, cannot perceive the evil endured through their own slavery.
If there were actually a country like that of the Cimmerians mentioned by Homer,[16] where the sun shines otherwise than on our own, shedding its radiance steadily for six successive months and then leaving humanity to drowse in obscurity until it returns at the end of another half-year, should we be surprised to learn that those born during this long night do grow so accustomed to their native darkness that unless they were told about the sun they would have no desire to see the light?
One never pines for what he has never known; longing comes only after enjoyment and constitutes, amidst the experience of sorrow, the memory of past joy. It is truly the nature of man to be free and to wish to be so, yet his character is such that he instinctively follows the tendencies that his training gives him.
Let us therefore admit that all those things to which he is trained and accustomed seem natural to man and that only that is truly native to him which he receives with his primitive, untrained individuality. Thus custom becomes the first reason for voluntary servitude. Men are like handsome race horses who first bite the bit and later like it, and rearing under the saddle a while soon learn to enjoy displaying their harness and prance proudly beneath their trappings.
Similarly, men will grow accustomed to the idea that they have always been in subjection, that their fathers lived in the same way; they will think they are obliged to suffer this evil, and will persuade themselves by example and imitation of others, finally investing those who order them around with proprietary rights, based on the idea that it has always been that way.
There are always a few, better endowed than others, who feel the weight of the yoke and cannot restrain themselves from attempting to shake it off: these are the men who never become tamed under subjection and who always - like Ulysses on land and sea, constantly seeking the smoke of his chimney - cannot prevent themselves from peering about for their natural privileges and from remembering their ancestors and their former ways. These are in fact the men who, possessed of clear minds and far-sighted spirit, are not satisfied, like the brutish mass, to see only what is at their feet, but rather look about them, behind and before, and even recall the things of the past in order to judge those of the future, and compare both with their present condition.
These are the ones who, having good minds of their own, have further trained them by study and learning. Even if liberty had entirely perished from the earth, such men would invent it. For them, slavery has no satisfactions, no matter how well disguised.
The Grand Turk[17] was well aware that books and teaching more than anything else give men the sense to comprehend their own nature and to detest tyranny. I understand that in his territory there are few educated people, for he does not want many. On account of this restriction, men of strong zeal and devotion, who in spite of the passing of time have preserved their love of freedom, still remain ineffective because, however numerous they may be, they are not known to one another; under the tyrant they have lost freedom of action, of speech, and almost of thought; they are alone in their aspiration.
Indeed Momus, god of mockery, was not merely joking when he found this to criticize in the man fashioned by Vulcan, namely, that the maker had not set a little window in his creature's heart to render his thoughts visible. It is reported that Brutus, Cassius, and Casca, on undertaking to free Rome, and for that matter the whole world, refused to include in their band Cicero, that great enthusiast for the public welfare if ever there was one, because they considered his heart too timid for such a lofty deed; they trusted his willingness but they were none too sure of his courage.
Yet whoever studies the deeds of earlier days and the annals of antiquity will find practically no instance of heroes who failed to deliver their country from evil hands when they set about their task with a firm, whole-hearted, and sincere intention. Liberty, as if to reveal her nature, seems to have given them new strength. Harmodios and Aristogiton, Thrasybulus, Brutus the Elder, Valerianus, and Dion achieved successfully what they planned virtuously: for hardly ever does good fortune fail a strong will.
Brutus the Younger and Cassius were successful in eliminating servitude, and although they perished in their attempt to restore liberty, they did not die miserably (what blasphemy it would be to say there was anything miserable about these men, either in their death or in their living!).[18] Their loss worked great harm, everlasting misfortune, and complete destruction of the Republic, which appears to have been buried with them.
Other and later undertakings against the Roman emperors were merely plottings of ambitious people, who deserve no pity for the misfortunes that overtook them, for it is evident that they sought not to destroy, but merely to usurp the crown, scheming to drive away the tyrant, but to retain tyranny. For myself, I could not wish such men to prosper, and I am glad they have shown by their example that the sacred name of Liberty must never be used to cover a false enterprise.
But to come back to the thread of our discourse, which I have practically lost - the essential reason why men take orders willingly is that they are born serfs and are reared as such. From this cause there follows another result, namely that people easily become cowardly and submissive under tyrants. For this observation I am deeply grateful to Hippocrates, the renowned father of medicine, who noted and reported it in a treatise of his entitled "Concerning Diseases."
This famous man was certainly endowed with a great heart and proved it clearly by his reply to the Great King, who wanted to attach him to his person by means of special privileges and large gifts. Hippocrates answered frankly that it would be a weight on his conscience to make use of his science for the cure of barbarians who wished to slay his fellow Greeks, or to serve faithfully by his skill anyone who undertook to enslave Greece. The letter he sent the king can still be read among his other works and will forever testify to his great heart and noble character.
By this time it should be evident that liberty once lost, valor also perishes. A subject people shows neither gladness nor eagerness in combat: its men march sullenly to danger almost as if in bonds, and stultified; they do not feel throbbing within them that eagerness for liberty which engenders scorn of peril and imparts readiness to acquire honor and glory by a brave death amidst one's comrades. Among free men there is competition as to who will do most, each for the common good, each by himself, all expecting to share in the misfortunes of defeat, or in the benefits of victory; but an enslaved people loses in addition to this warlike courage, all signs of enthusiasm, for their hearts are degraded, submissive, and incapable of any great deed. Tyrants are well aware of this, and, in order to degrade their subjects further, encourage them to assume this attitude and make it instinctive.
Xenophon, grave historian of first rank among the Greeks, wrote a book in which he makes Simonides speak with Hieron, tyrant of Syracuse, concerning the anxieties of the tyrant. This book is full of fine and serious remonstrances, which in my opinion are as persuasive as words can be. Would to God that all despots who have ever lived might have kept it before their eyes and used it as a mirror! I cannot believe they would have failed to recognize their warts and to have conceived some shame for their blotches.
In this treatise is explained the torment in which tyrants find themselves when obliged to fear everyone because they do evil unto every man. Among other things we find the statement that bad kings employ foreigners in their wars and pay them, not daring to entrust weapons in the hands of their own people, whom they have wronged. (There have been good kings who have used mercenaries from foreign nations, even among the French, although more so formerly than today, but with the quite different purpose of preserving their own people, considering as nothing the loss of money in the effort to spare French lives. That is, I believe, what Scipio the great African meant when he said he would rather save one citizen than defeat a hundred enemies.)

For it is plainly evident that the dictator does not consider his power firmly established until he has reached the point where there is no man under him who is of any worth. Therefore there may be justly applied to him the reproach to the master of the elephants made by Thrason and reported by Terence:
Are you indeed so proud Because you command wild beasts? This method tyrants use of stultifying their subjects cannot be more clearly observed than in what Cyrus did with the Lydians after he had taken Sardis, their chief city, and had at his mercy the captured Croesus, their fabulously rich king.
When news was brought to him that the people of Sardis had rebelled, it would have been easy for him to reduce them by force; but being unwilling either to sack such a fine city or to maintain an army there to police it, he thought of an unusual expedient for reducing it.
He established in it brothels, taverns, and public games, and issued the proclamation that the inhabitants were to enjoy them. He found this type of garrison so effective that he never again had to draw the sword against the Lydians. These wretched people enjoyed themselves inventing all kinds of games, so that the Latins have derived the word from them, and what we call pastimes they call ludi, as if they meant to say Lydi.
Not all tyrants have manifested so clearly their intention to effeminize their victims; but in fact, what the aforementioned despot publicly proclaimed and put into effect, most of the others have pursued secretly as an end. It is indeed the nature of the populace, whose density is always greater in the cities, to be suspicious toward one who has their welfare at heart, and gullible toward one who fools them.
Do not imagine that there is any bird more easily caught by decoy, nor any fish sooner fixed on the hook by wormy bait, than are all these poor fools neatly tricked into servitude by the slightest feather passed, so to speak, before their mouths. Truly it is a marvelous thing that they let themselves be caught so quickly at the slightest tickling of their fancy. Plays, farces, spectacles, gladiators, strange beasts, medals, pictures, and other such opiates, these were for ancient peoples the bait toward slavery, the price of their liberty, the instruments of tyranny. By these practices and enticements the ancient dictators so successfully lulled their subjects under the yoke that the stupefied peoples, fascinated by the pastimes and vain pleasures flashed before their eyes, learned subservience as naively, but not so creditably, as little children learn to read by looking at bright picture books.
Roman tyrants invented a further refinement. They often provided the city wards with feasts to cajole the rabble, always more readily tempted by the pleasure of eating than by anything else. The most intelligent and understanding amongst them would not have quit his soup bowl to recover the liberty of the Republic of Plato. Tyrants would distribute largess, a bushel of wheat, a gallon of wine, and a sesterce: and then everybody would shamelessly cry, "Long live the King!" The fools did not realize that they were merely recovering a portion of their own property and that their ruler could not have given them what they were receiving without having first taken it from them.
A man might one day be presented with a sesterce and gorge himself at the public feast, lauding Tiberius and Nero for handsome liberality, who on the morrow, would be forced to abandon his property to their avarice, his children to their lust, his very blood to the cruelty of these magnificent emperors, without offering any more resistance than a stone or a tree stump. The mob has always behaved in this way - eagerly open to bribes that cannot be honorably accepted, and dissolutely callous to degradation and insult that cannot be honorably endured.
Nowadays I do not meet anyone who, on hearing mention of Nero, does not shudder at the very name of that hideous monster, that disgusting and vile pestilence. Yet when he died - when this incendiary, this executioner, this savage beast, died as vilely as he had lived - the noble Roman people, mindful of his games and his festivals, were saddened to the point of wearing mourning for him. Thus wrote Cornelius Tacitus, a competent and serious author, and one of the most reliable.
This will not be considered peculiar in view of what this same people had previously done at the death of Julius Caesar, who had swept away their laws and their liberty, in whose character, it seems to me, there was nothing worthwhile, for his very liberality, which is so highly praised, was more baneful than the cruelest tyrant who ever existed, because it was actually this poisonous amiability of his that sweetened servitude for the Roman people.
After his death, that people, still preserving on their palates the flavor of his banquets and in their minds the memory of his prodigality, vied with one another to pay him homage. They piled up the seats of the Forum for the great fire that reduced his body to ashes and later raised a column to him as to "The Father of His People." (Such was the inscription on the capital.) They did him more honor, dead as he was, than they had any right to confer upon any man in the world, except perhaps on those who had killed him.
They didn't even neglect, these Roman emperors, to assume generally the title of Tribune of the People, partly because this office was held sacred and inviolable and also because it had been founded for the defense and protection of the people and enjoyed the favor of the state. By this means they made sure that the populace would trust them completely, as if they merely used the title and did not abuse it.Today there are some who do not behave very differently; they never undertake an unjust policy, even one of some importance, without prefacing it with some pretty speech concerning public welfare and common good.
You well know, O Longa, this formula which they use quite cleverly in certain places; although for the most part, to be sure, there cannot be cleverness where there is so much impudence. The kings of the Assyrians, and even after them those of the Medes, showed themselves in public as seldom as possible in order to set up a doubt in the minds of the rabble as to whether they were not in some way more than man and thereby to encourage people to use their imagination for those things which they cannot judge by sight. Thus a great many nations who for a long time dwelt under the control of the Assyrians became accustomed, with all this mystery, to their own subjection, and submitted the more readily for not knowing what sort of master they had, or scarcely even if they had one, all of them fearing by report someone they had never seen.
The earliest kings of Egypt rarely showed themselves without carrying a cat, or sometimes a branch, or appearing with fire on their heads, masking themselves with these objects and parading like workers of magic. By doing this, they inspired their subjects with reverence and admiration, whereas with people neither too stupid nor too slavish, they would merely have aroused, it seems to me, amusement and laughter. It is pitiful to review the list of devices that early despots used to establish their tyranny; to discover how many little tricks they employed, always finding the populace conveniently gullible, readily caught in the net as soon as it was spread. Indeed they always fooled their victims so easily that while mocking them they enslaved them the more.
What comment can I make concerning another fine counterfeit that ancient peoples accepted as true money? They believed firmly that the great toe of Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, performed miracles and cured diseases of the spleen; they even enhanced the tale further with the legend that this toe, after the corpse had been burned, was found among the ashes, untouched by the fire.
In this wise a foolish people itself invents lies and then believes them. Many men have recounted such things, but in such a way that it is easy to see that the parts were pieced together from idle gossip of the city and silly reports from the rabble. When Vespasian, returning from Assyria, passes through Alexandria on his way to Rome to take possession of the empire, he performs wonders: he makes the crippled straight, restores sight to the blind, and does many other fine things, concerning which the credulous and undiscriminating were, in my opinion, more blind than those cured.
Tyrants themselves have wondered that men could endure the persecution of a single man; they have insisted on using religion for their own protection and, where possible, have borrowed a stray bit of divinity to bolster up their evil ways. If we are to believe the Sybil of Virgil, Salmoneus, in torment for having paraded as Jupiter in order to deceive the populace, now atones in nethermost Hell.
He suffered endless torment for having dared to imitate
The thunderbolts of heaven and the flames of Jupiter.
Upon a chariot drawn by four chargers he went, unsteadily
Riding aloft, in his fist a great shining torch.
Among the Greeks and into the market-place
In the heart of the city of Elis he had ridden boldly:
And displaying thus his vainglory he assumed
An honor which undeniably belongs to the gods alone.
This fool who imitated storm and the inimitable thunderbolt
By clash of brass and with his dizzying charge
On horn-hoofed steeds, the all-powerful Father beheld,
Hurled not a torch, nor the feeble light
If such a one, who in his time acted merely through the folly of insolence, is so well received in Hell, I think that those who have used religion as a cloak to hide their vileness will be even more deservedly lodged in the same place.
Our own leaders have employed in France certain similar devices, such as toads, fleurs-de-lys, sacred vessels, and standards with flames of gold [oriflammes]. However that may be, I do not wish, for my part, to be incredulous, since neither we nor our ancestors have had any occasion up to now for skepticism. Our kings have always been so generous in times of peace and so valiant in times of war, that from birth they seem not to have been created by nature like many others, but even before birth to have been designated by Almighty God for the government and preservation of this kingdom.
Even if this were not so, yet should I not enter the tilting ground to call in question the truth of our traditions or to examine them so strictly as to take away their fine conceits. Here is such a field for our French poetry, now not merely honored but, it seems to me, reborn through our Ronsard, our Baïf, our Bellay. These poets are defending our language so well that I dare to believe that very soon neither the Greeks nor the Latins will in this respect have any advantage over us except possibly that of seniority.
And I should assuredly do wrong to our poesy - I like to use that word despite the fact that several have rhymed mechanically, for I still discern a number of men today capable of ennobling poetry and restoring it to its first luster - but, as I say, I should do the Muse great injury if I deprived her now of those fine tales about King Clovis, amongst which it seems to me I can already see how agreeably and how happily the inspiration of our Ronsard in his Frunciade will play.
I appreciate his loftiness, I am aware of his keen spirit, and I know the charm of the man: he will appropriate the oriflamme to his use much as did the Romans their sacred bucklers and the shields cast from heaven to earth, according to Virgil. He will use our phial of holy oil much as the Athenians used the basket of Ericthonius; he will win applause for our deeds of valor as they did for their olive wreath, which they insist can still be found in Minerva's tower. Certainly I should be presumptuous if I tried to cast slurs on our records and thus invade the realm of our poets.
But to return to our subject, the thread of which I have unwittingly lost in this discussion: it has always happened that tyrants, in order to strengthen their power, have made every effort to train their people not only in obedience and servility toward themselves, but also in adoration. Therefore all that I have said up to the present concerning the means by which a more willing submission has been obtained applies to dictators in their relationship with the inferior and common classes.
Part III
I come now to a point which is, in my opinion, the mainspring and the secret of domination, the support and foundation of tyranny. Whoever thinks that halberds, sentries, the placing of the watch, serve to protect and shield tyrants is, in my judgment, completely mistaken. These are used, it seems to me, more for ceremony and a show of force than for any reliance placed in them. The archers forbid the entrance to the palace to the poorly dressed who have no weapons, not to the well armed who can carry out some plot. Certainly it is easy to say of the Roman emperors that fewer escaped from danger by aid of their guards than were killed by their own archers.[19] 
It is not the troops on horseback, it is not the companies afoot, it is not arms that defend the tyrant. This does not seem credible on first thought, but it is nevertheless true that there are only four or five who maintain the dictator, four or five who keep the country in bondage to him.
Five or six have always had access to his ear, and have either gone to him of their own accord, or else have been summoned by him, to be accomplices in his cruelties, companions in his pleasures, panders to his lusts, and sharers in his plunders. These six manage their chief so successfully that he comes to be held accountable not only for his own misdeeds but even for theirs. The six have six hundred who profit under them, and with the six hundred they do what they have accomplished with their tyrant. The six hundred maintain under them six thousand, whom they promote in rank, upon whom they confer the government of provinces or the direction of finances, in order that they may serve as instruments of avarice and cruelty, executing orders at the proper time and working such havoc all around that they could not last except under the shadow of the six hundred, nor be exempt from law and punishment except through their influence.
The consequence of all this is fatal indeed. And whoever is pleased to unwind the skein will observe that not the six thousand but a hundred thousand, and even millions, cling to the tyrant by this cord to which they are tied. According to Homer, Jupiter boasts of being able to draw to himself all the gods when he pulls a chain.
Such a scheme caused the increase in the senate under Julius, the formation of new ranks, the creation of offices; not really, if properly considered, to reform justice, but to provide new supporters of despotism. In short, when the point is reached, through big favors or little ones, that large profits or small are obtained under a tyrant, there are found almost as many people to whom tyranny seems advantageous as those to whom liberty would seem desirable.
Doctors declare that if, when some part of the body has gangrene, a disturbance arises in another spot, it immediately flows to the troubled part. Even so, whenever a ruler makes himself a dictator, all the wicked dregs of the nation - I do not mean the pack of petty thieves and earless ruffians[20] who, in a republic, are unimportant in evil or good - but all those who are corrupted by burning ambition or extraordinary avarice, these gather around him and support him in order to have a share in the booty and to constitute themselves petty chiefs under the big tyrant.
This is the practice among notorious robbers and famous pirates: some scour the country, others pursue voyagers; some lie in ambush, others keep a lookout; some commit murder, others robbery. And although there are among them differences in rank, some being only underlings while others are chieftains of gangs, yet there is not a single one among them who does not feel himself to be a sharer, if not of the main booty, at least in the pursuit of it. It is dependably related that Sicilian pirates gathered in such great numbers that it became necessary to send against them Pompey the Great, and that they drew into their alliance fine towns and great cities in whose harbors they took refuge on returning from their expeditions, paying handsomely for the haven given their stolen goods.
Thus the despot subdues his subjects, some of them by means of others, and thus is he protected by those from whom, if they were decent men, he would have to guard himself; just as, in order to split wood, one has to use a wedge of the wood itself. Such are his archers, his guards, his halberdiers; not that they themselves do not suffer occasionally at his hands, but this riffraff, abandoned alike by God and man, can be led to endure evil if permitted to commit it, not against him who exploits them, but against those who like themselves submit but are helpless.
Nevertheless, observing those men who painfully serve the tyrant in order to win some profit from his tyranny and from the subjection of the populace, I am often overcome with amazement at their wickedness and sometimes by pity for their folly. For, in all honesty, can it be in any way except in folly that you approach a tyrant, withdrawing further from your liberty and, so to speak, embracing with both hands your servitude?
Let such men lay aside briefly their ambition, or let them forget for a moment their avarice, and look at themselves as they really are. Then they will realize clearly that the townspeople, the peasants whom they trample under foot and treat worse than convicts or slaves, they will realize, I say, that these people, mistreated as they may be, are nevertheless, in comparison with themselves, better off and fairly free.
The tiller of the soil and the artisan, no matter how enslaved, discharge their obligation when they do what they are told to do; but the dictator sees men about him wooing and begging his favor, and doing much more than he tells them to do. Such men must not only obey orders; they must anticipate his wishes. To satisfy him, they must foresee his desires; they must wear themselves out, torment themselves, kill themselves with work in his interest, and accept his pleasure as their own, neglecting their preference for his, distorting their character and corrupting their nature. They must pay heed to his words, to his intonation, to his gestures, and to his glance. Let them have no eye, nor foot, nor hand that is not alert to respond to his wishes or to seek out his thoughts.
Can that be called a happy life? Can it be called living? Is there anything more intolerable than that situation, I won't say for a man of mettle nor even for a man of high birth, but simply for a man of common sense or, to go even further, for anyone having the face of a man? What condition is more wretched than to live thus, with nothing to call one's own, receiving from someone else one's sustenance, one's power to act, one's body, one's very life?
Still, men accept servility in order to acquire wealth; as if they could acquire anything of their own when they cannot even assert that they belong to themselves, or as if anyone could possess under a tyrant a single thing in his own name. Yet they act as if their wealth really belonged to them and forget that it is they themselves who give the ruler the power to deprive everybody of everything, leaving nothing that anyone can identify as belonging to somebody.
They notice that nothing makes men so subservient to a tyrant's cruelty as property; that the possession of wealth is the worst of crimes against him, punishable even by death; that he loves nothing quite so much