Anyone reading the last chapter of Democracy in America receives a quick introduction into the essence of the modern tutelary fascist state. But what is the intellectual foundation for this modern form of tyranny, and exactly what do they believe?
Here is a video of the so-called Georgia Henge, and the exact English text ( I have added the numbering) which is written on it:
1. * Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
1. * Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. * Guide reproduction wisely-improving fitness and diversity.
3. * Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. * Rule passion-faith-tradition-and all things with tempered reason.
5. * Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. * Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. * Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. * Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. * Prize truth-beauty-love-seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. * Be not a cancer on the earth-Leave room for nature-Leave room for nature.
There is a dispute about whence this monument came. Some have suggested that its origin is Rosicrucian. There is no dispute that the content of these ten 'commandments' are 'progressive' in nature. The ideology of the Progressive is driven by the Hegelian historical dialectic and the depreciation of the individual inherited from Feuerbach and Marx. These are directives which seem to be addressed to governments rather than individuals. This presents a remarkable contrast with the ten commandments of the Bible which are directed to individuals.
Some have suggested that the first two directives here advocate genocide. The text "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature," and "Guide Reproduction wisely-improving fitness and diversity," necessarily suggests either eugenics or mass murder. The second directive suggests to me that eugenics is most likely what is in view here.
In the third and fourth directives there is a depreciation of culture and language of nation states.
Directives five, six and seven urge some form of international governance over the nation states which are viewed as subordinate.
Directive seven which urges a 'balance' of personal rights with 'social duties' suggests that rights and obligations are equally allocated by government.....and that whereas some are endowed with a right to dominion, others are endowed with an obligation of servitude.
Directives nine and ten elevate 'nature' as somehow superior to or of a greater value than man. The assumption in these is that somehow man is not 'natural,' but is a cancer on the natural order which in destoying its host will also destroy itself.
Underlying these directives is the idea of limited natural resources rapidly being exhausted merely by the presence of man. However, the natural resources of the earth are nowhere near being exhausted. Moreover, vast resources exist also on the moon (e.g. He3 and its potential use in the production of unlimited energy through fusion) and on a multitude of asteroids (some of which are almost entirely stainless steel).
The idea of a shortage of fossil fuels is also nonsense. It is an indisputable fact that from the inception of the age of oil, producers have sought a wide variety of strategies both at the level of the well head, and at the level of refined product which would limit the amount of petroleum on the market. This has been the objective of OPEC from its inception: the support of high prices for product through the limitation of available supply. If there were truly any shortage of petroleum, there would be no organization such as OPEC with an objective of keeping supply under control for purpose of obtaining high prices.
The standard of living of everyone on the earth is determined by a large number of factors not the least of which is the abundance of cheap energy. The war against cheap energy has been deliberately pursued for decades. It has achieved the result of reducing the standard of living which prevails in every nation. At some point these efforts may result in mass starvation as a necessary consequence consistent with the first directive. But, there is no way of knowing with certainty whether this consequence is primary and intentional or secondary and inadvertent.
When we consider this plethora of beliefs, canards, nostrums, and blandishments....these are the conclusions which we must draw.
1. The god of the Progressive is nature. This may be true even to the extent of Pantheism.
2. The individual man is devoid of value. He is a cancer and a violation against nature. A man is sin. He is incapable of managing his own affairs consistent with his obligations to nature. Value absent in the individual resides only in the social context He can only be redeemed through government action. The depreciation of the individual can also be seen in such statements made by Obama to the effect that none of us is saved individually, but only together. Therefore, the fundamental existential truth of the universe in this view is the unrelenting punishment of man into submission by government.
And, who is the 'useless' official? The 'useless' official is the one who is not imposing sufficiently vigorous punishments. He is a derelict angel failing to swing his whip freely. It is the view of Obama that it is his moral duty to punish Americans until he achieves their submission and redemption. What he does for us is for our own good.
3. In the end man redeems himself through obediance to the requirements of government and through the repudiation of individual identity. Government is redemptive. Strong executive government leadership is Messianic. All national governments will eventually reach a synthesis through conflict, and that synthesis will be the paradise of world government. There is no afterlife for the individual. Whereas, a man is mortal and passes away, the obedient government (and perhaps the spirit of the obedient social group) is co-eternal with god, i.e. nature. In a very real sense government and its executive may assert, "I and my Father are One." The only reward available to a man is harmony with the infinity of nature.
4. What is repudiated in the Progressive view is the unity of degree of man. By whatever mechanism, there must be those who determine both rights and obligations, and those who are mere recipients of those determinations. This view is consistent with traditional ideas of aristocracy or plutocracy.
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