Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Obama Policy

     It has seemed strange in recent days that the Obama administration has taken such pains to lay the blame for the murder of an ambassador on an obscure internet posted video.   Why did the administration insist, contrary to all indications, that the attack in Libya was unplanned and spontaneous?
After all,  there is a substantial record of attacks:   the 1972 Olympic athletes murders,  the 1979 attack in Tehran, the bombing of the 1983 Beirut barracks, the Pan Am bombing over Scotland, the attack on Americans in the German night club,  the first world trade center bombing,  the attack on the Cole, the Second World trade center attack, the attacks in Spain, London, Bali, Mumbai, and at Ft. Hood.  There are of course many more examples which one might cite,  but all point to these events as premeditated and well planned.

     Additionally, many of us watched in disbelief and amazement as the young, idealist, ignorant, and immature president went about the world in 2009 apologizing on behalf of the people of the United States of America.  Indeed, the effort was carried so far that he eventually bowed to every dictator, despot, tyrant, 'President,' and Prime Minister from Saudi Arabia to Japan.

     What is the policy of the Obama Administration?   It is not (as so many have thought) to motivate the Islamo-fascists of the world to become more accepting and tolerant of Americans and our values.   It is rather to make Americans more accepting and tolerant of Islamo-fascist values.   And so,  there now begins a  national campaign to circumscribe the First Amendment rights of all Americans.

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