Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Tutelary Fascist Party and Christophobia

The Tutelary Fascist Party (aka the Democrat Party) now supports several policies each of which will raise opposition among a variety of single issue voters. These positions include:

1.  infanticide
2.  a command economy
3.  antisemitism
4.  elimination of the 2nd amendment and seizure of all firearms
5.  elimination of the 1st amendment
6.  elimination of the presumption of innocence in American jurisprudence
7.  elimination of all air travel
8.  elimination of all internal combustion engines
9.  elimination of the consumption of all fossil fuels
10.  doubling the number of justices on the supreme court
11.  eliminating the electoral college
12.  broad and deep Christophobia
13.  open borders and the end of all immigration enforcement
14.  euthanasia
15. requiring all persons to become vegetarians ending all cattle, hog, and poultry production
16.  razing all buildings in the nation and reconstructing them to be 'green'

As more and more of these positions become widely known and understood it will be necessary for future democrat electoral victories to depend on the importation of more and more persons from the third world. Any intelligent awareness of the extremism of these proposals will engender not mere opposition but extraordinary fear of their fundamental stupidity or ignorance.

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