1. Do not carry a cell phone with you. Instead have cell phones at locations where you are frequently, but not at locations where you might be frequently but would prefer to keep your presence private.
2. Do not have any job which pays you over the table. Instead, take up careers or jobs in which you get paid in cash. Find a way to be self- employed, and avoid programs of woke corporations requiring various types of fascist brainwashing.
3. If you are retired and have an SS card which the federal government credits every month do not use it for purchases. To keep your purchases private withdraw cash from the card and pay for what you need in cash. As you do this attempt to keep the balance on the card at a minimum.
4. Do not own securities, stocks or bonds or keep cash in banks. Some banks like Wells Fargo which have a long record of consumer fraud should never be used. Find out what your friends have available and barter with personal services or cash. Persons with large bank balances could possibly lose everything they have by a Greek style Bail-in. Instead of keeping cash in banks buy farmland. Keep farmland in agricultural production with slow growing crops like trees.
5. Do not vote. Remove your name from Registered Voter List. Do not join a political party. Do not serve on Jury pools. Do not respond to census questions.
6. Cancel Television subscriptions like Dish, Direct, or Comcast. Modern flat screen televisions are frequently capable of spying on viewers. Instead buy DVDs which you might find interesting to watch. Get all of your news from the internet. But don’t believe anything you see there until it is confirmed by at least six sources. When looking at this sort of thing develop the skill to be able to quickly identify and distinguish facts from opinion.
7. On the internet do not respond to any unsolicited email. Instead delete it immediately. On clearly leftist sites post comments like ‘be sure to wear your mask and get your next booster shot.’ Do not visit sites which are clearly putting out click bait to entice more people.
8. Do not buy a firearm. Instead, if possible, borrow a firearm from a friend learn how to use it and carry it with you at all times. Large magazines are desirable but not necessary. If you need ten or more shots to hit your target you should get more practice or not have the gun.
9. Do not patronize big box stores, but if you must go to one of these always pay cash rather than with credit to prevent the harvesting of your personal information. Try to patronize small local businesses which will not likely be engaged in harvesting your information.
1 If you attend a Church make sure that the Church has a security program with armed members in every meeting.
1 Cancel newspaper subscriptions and do not write letters to the editor.
1 In grocery stores buy primarily fresh fruits and vegetables and meats. Avoid all packaged and prepared foods, and minimize use of salt and sugar.
1 Do not send any children to a public school. Use home schooling or private schools.
1 Own a home but not one which is larger than you actually need. Large homes are disproportionately taxed by most local jurisdictions to support local extravagant spending.
1 Try to avoid purchasing items manufactured in China.
1 Do not go to west coast woke states like California, Washington, and Oregon. Avoid all blue states. The bluer the state the greater the likelihood is of being killed by operatives of the state. Do not go to Washington D.C. under any circumstances. Many of these jurisdictions no longer practice the rule of law and when you are there you will have no individual rights. You can be murdered in cold blood and nobody will be held to account. There is also a great risk of being beaten viciously with metal batons and being permanently disabled.
1 Do not engage in any political demonstrations or protests even if it is a permitted demonstration. You will not have to do anything to attract additional attention to yourself. Speak the truth and the fascists will come to kill you. They cannot bear anyone speaking or merely thinking the truth.
1 Beware of medical advice and pronouncements. Seek out professional medical advice which you trust. Avoid ‘vaccinations’ which have now been exposed as weapons of eugenics.
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